The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

Visit TKAT Website

Local Governance

King Harold is an academy as part of The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT).

TKAT is a multi-academy trust which was established on 1st November 2010.  It’s constitution is set out in the Articles of Association and this is shared with individual academies via the Scheme of Delegation. TKAT have, through the Scheme of Delegation, established Local Governing Bodies for each of the Academies.

Click here to view the Scheme of delegation

The Local Governing Body of each of the Academies is responsible for fulfilling the strategic and operational governance role in the conduct of the Academy.

The Chair of Governors is Mrs Helen Chalkley. A list of governors is below and full details of our governing body and the Terms of Reference, can be found by downloading the attachment on the right of this page.

School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the Head of School, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school’s aims and policies.

Governors have three main roles:

  • To provide strategic direction for the school
  • To act as a critical friend to the Head of School
  • To ensure accountability
They also carry out a number of other important duties, which include:
  • Determining how the school’s budget is spent
  • Hearing appeals and grievances
  • Forming policy on the school’s curriculum and collective worship
  • Setting standards for pupils’ behavior and discipline
  • Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
  • Setting and monitoring the school’s aims and policies

The Local Governing Body of each of the Academies is responsible for fulfilling the strategic and operational governance role in the conduct of the Academy.

Please click here to link to the Directors of the TKAT Board.

Please click here to link to the Trustees of TKAT Please click here to link to Governance information relating to TKAT, including the structure of governance and relevant details about Trustees terms of office, attendance and business interests. 

Please click here for key documents including the Master Funding Agreement, Articles of Association and Accounts. 

Please click here for the KHA Governor Impact Statement 

Please click here for the King Harold Academy Constitution 

Please click here for the governance infor on the TKAT website

If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors you can write to her at the school and mark your envelope confidential.  Alternatively, you can email her at:

All parents/carers are contacted when a parent/carer governor vacancy arises and are invited to apply.  If more than one application is received we undertake a ballot of parents/carers to determine who will fill the vacancy.

If anyone is interested in becoming a governor and they are not a parent/carer of a student at King Harold Academy they can contact the Clerk to the Governing Body, Jane Boyce by email to for further information on how to apply.

Teacher governors are invited to apply to be a Staff Governor when a vacancy arises and should the school receive more than one teacher application we undertake a ballot process to determine who will fill the vacancy.

The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Governing Body are elected annually.

Terms of office for all Governors are reviewed every 4 years.

The only LGB committee at KHA is a pay committee which is appointed on an annual basis.

For further information on matters relating to the Governing Body please contact the Clerk, Jane Boyce by email , at King Harold Academy.

Meetings for 2023/2024

  • Wednesday 27th Sept 2023 6pm to 8pm
  • Wednesday 29th November 2023 6pm to 8pm
  • Wednesday 24th January 2024 6pm to 8pm
  • Wednesday 20th March 2024  6pm to 8pm
  • Wednesday 15th May 2024 6pm to 8pm
  • Wednesday 10th July 2024 6pm to 8pm


  • Meetings for 2024/2025
  • Wednesday 2nd October 2024
  • Wednesday 27th November 2024
  • Wednesday 5th February 2025
  • Wednesday 26th March 2025
  • Wednesday 21st May  2025
  • Wednesday 9th July 2025

Current Local Governing Body Members 

Previous Local Governing Body Members 


Over the last year governors have worked collaboratively across both schools, meeting regularly to review targets and set School Development Plans.

Governors also reviewed a comprehensive report each term ‘Know Thy Impact’ for each school which gave them an overview from each leadership area detailing specific action to be taken and their outcomes. At these meetings governors have followed the policy review schedule and have approved policies for both schools that cover every aspect of school life from Health and Safety to Learning to specific TKAT procedures.

Governors have instigated topics for presentations to ensure that staff and student wellbeing is paramount, to gain a better understanding of new curriculum models and recent changes to the examination requirements and awards system.

They have monitored school finances regularly to ensure that they continue to be robust and that both schools have operated within the budgets assigned.

Governors have supported events and carried out various monitoring visits of specific areas of school life. Each governor has been assigned a link role that they have investigated to gain an insight and knowledge of each school and how it operates on a day to day basis. This has also allowed them to gain a better understanding of how improvements can be made and successes be recognised.

All governors have undertaken Level 2 Safeguarding Training and been DBS checked. All governing body agenda’s covered safeguarding and child protection